Yann Tiersen Goodbye Lenin Zip


:.You must post a clear and direct question in the title. The title may contain two, short, necessary context sentences.No text is allowed in the textbox. My entire family loved this song because my grandmother loved it.

She asked my then 16 year old cousin to learn to play it on the piano and everytime we were at my uncle's house for a party, a family gathering and Christmas he would play this every time for my grandmother. A couple of years ago my grandmother had passed away. Not sure what caused it be she got forgetful like Alzheimer. Organ failures etc. We were all there when she faded away.

Yann Tiersen Goodbye Lenin Zip Free

On the funeral my cousin was asked to play the song. I don't think there I have ever cried so hard, not alone but with my entire family.

Including my cousin when tears dropped down on the keys he needed to hit.In July I was browsing YouTube for some piano music and accidently stumbled on the song though I didn't recognize the title. I haven't cried that hard since that funeral. I was 14 at the time, I wish I could've gotten to know her better.