Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge Yahoo


Aquatic number deleted says:Any one get to try it out yet? I heard some cool things about it, such as:-tabs for file handling-better dodge and burn tool-new way of selecting that is much better-64 bit color2:12PM, 11 September 2008 PSTclear cent deleted says:bah. And here I just finally updated to CS3 after years of using PS6.

  1. Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge Yahoo Download
  2. Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge Yahoo Free

Elo touchscreen drivers et1915l download. Hahaha I think I'll stay with CS3 for a while personally though.:)ages agosays:Holy crap 64 bit color? Is there a point to that? What is the threshold that humans can even notice?ages agoaquatic number deleted says:I think they make it just because they can.

Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge YahooAdobe photoshop cs4 update

Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge Yahoo Download

You know how us Americans are. We need the best of the best, even if we don't know how to use it, or for this, can even tell the difference.The Mac's, however, only get 32 bit. They change the way they program or whatever a little while ago, and adobe didn't want to go back and fix a million lines of coding. So the 64 bit is Windows only!ages agosays:The better selection tools are always welcome but damn, I think I'll keep my money in my pocket! I wish CS3/4's selection tools were as powerful as using a program like Knockout or Fluid Mask, which is sooooooooo expensive for just a selection/cutout tool!Originally posted ages ago.countryboyshane edited this topic ages ago.says:wow, ha, i feel like im just getting the hold of cs3ages agosays:Wait a tick. Is that 64-bit color or do you mean 64-bit processing? As in, it'll run natively on 64-bit workstations?ages agoclear cent deleted says:I think I was reading that it takes advantage of new hardware that it hadn't before so may be 64 bit processing?ages agosays:I only pray that After Effects CS4 does the same thing.


Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge Yahoo Free

I don't care what they say about whether or not it makes it faster, a native 64-bit workstation with both the OS AND programs working on the same page is HUGE for both efficiency, stability, and yes, speed.Not to mention the 64-bit systems allow you to address ALOT more memory. Don't be surprised to see a standard workstation in the next couple years sporting, at minimum, 4-8gb of ram.ages agosays:I'm running 8 gigs in my desktop and would never go lower than that.Even 4 gigs is too small for Photoshop and 32 bit color editing.ages agoclear cent deleted says:I run 4gb on a dual core laptop at the moment and CS3 seems plenty fast for dual color editing Eric. What type of editing are you doing where it locks up on editing?ages agosays:Photoshop can use 4 GB all alone. Add in Bridge, or Capture One.and any other app open.6 gigs easy.ages agosays:The problem is to get the 64bit processing on CS4 you need to have a 64bit operating system!!! So its xp64 or any of the most nonupgraded store bought systems won't use CS4 to its full potential.ages ago.